Thursday, January 17, 2013

Starving Artist Cookbook #1

Being poor sucks. Being poor and hungry sucks even more. I am usually very poor, being an "artistic person" and so I have to find ways to eat that don't involve becoming a prostitute. I am going to share the things I make with you fine folks in hopes that I can save you from becoming a food prostitute too.

This week I made Chicken Tikki Marsala with Tadig. The recipe I made serves 4.


Chicken Tikki Marsala
2 Chicken Breasts
1 Bottle of Tikki Marsala sauce from Fresh & Easy
2 Tablespoons of Canola Oil

2 Cups of Persian Rice
4 Cups of water
2 Tablespoons of Canola Oil

The brand of rice I use
You are going to want to start about and hour and a half before you want to eat. First, plug in your rice cooker (If you don't have one, go get one because they are genius) and add the canola oil first so it covers the bottom. This is to the rice will crust on the bottom, thus the Tadig. Then add the 2 cups of rice and 4 cups of water. Make sure you read your bag of rice and make sure it doesn't require washing. Set your cooker to cook and walk away. Most rice cookers take about a half hour to cook but when making Tadig you have to keep pressing the cook button for an hour and a half so the pan stays hot and crisps the rice on the bottom.

 After about an hour of the rice cooker cooking, it's time to make the chicken. I buy my chicken from Sam's Club in packs of 9 breasts at $10.00. Cheapest I have found chicken. If you don't have a Sam's Club card or a nice, loving father that will take you there.... Fresh & Easy has pretty cheap chicken too.

 You going to want to cut the chicken breasts up into small cubes. My chicken was really thick, so I cut it in half too.
Add your 2 Tablespoons of Canola Oil to a large saucepan and add the chicken. ONLY brown the chicken, make sure to get every side of every piece. Immediately after the chicken is browned, dump your bottle of curry in and turn the heat down so that it can simmer. I love this brand of curry because it's god damn 3 dollars a bottle. AND delicious.

The simmering should only take about 10-12 minutes.....

 Then you're done!! Serve it up!! Delicious and SO EASY TO COOK!!! Also, cheap as shit.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments if you are confused on anything!!

Have a great Thursday!

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